these were all drawn by me, jonathan, in photoshop. please do not edit the link in the coding
i wanted to make some really fun cliques for us like we used to back in the day. just something fun and cute to add to your website :)

dollz forever
dollz have such a special place in my heart because they're what got me interested in graphic and web design :)

i love sza
sza is my faaaaaavorite music artist. i started with her album z and the song babylon, and ctrl and sos have both become important albums in my life. good days is probably my most favorite song of all time <3333

computer nerd
i've always been on the computer, growing up i got started playing pc games and that led to creating websites and graphics. it's practically ruled my life haha

queer and proud
i'm such a proud member of the lgbtq+ community and i believe in equality for all! if you don't you actually suck.

keep to myself
i've always kinda been someone that keeps to themselves and i'm not always the most social person out there

spooky season
i loooooove halloween and all the decorations/candy that comes out during the season. it's also my anniversary haha.