about dream cloudz
dream cloudz is a little cozy spot on the web that i, jonathan created out of boredom during spring break of 2023. it started with me stumbling across a youtube video discussing the old "dollz" culture from the late 90s/early 00s and near the end of the video it mentioned neocities. i came here and was so surprised at the amount of people that were here just creating their own custom websites with pixel art and all kinds of early 00s pixel art.
i personally got started with dollz around 2005 (when i was about 10 years old) and that's what sparked my forever interest in art, graphic design and web design. i created so many websites from that time, not often being the most creative of the bunch and sometimes copying styles from others, but it was all such a learning process for me. i was able to teach myself html, paint shop pro, and photoshop, and it consumed my entire childhood after that. there wasn't a day where you wouldn't find me glued to my computer after school playing with pixel dollz and making constant layouts. eventually i grew out of dollz and moved onto making more intense graphic design work and i actually went to get my bfa in graphic and web design.
throughout the years, i've kinda dabled here and there and watched from afar some people that i've known still create websites. i never really saw myself fully coming back to this, but being back in college and having some spare time here or there, this is something that's helping me flex some of my skills and see what i can make of this here.

dream cloudz is mainly a graphic and resource website, i'll provide some fun graphics featuring dollz and cute pixel art, and there will also be a few resources for you too to maybe start working on a website of your own, or decorate a little bit :) i hope you really enjoy dream cloudz and it becomes this super cute and cozy place of nostalgia for people who come from this era of the internet <3