dream cloudz layout history
version 1: dreamiest cloud

with this layout, it came about because i started saving a bunch of raver dollz, and i didn't use them a lot when i made sites a long time ago so i felt like now would be really fun and it felt like a nice introduction to what dream cloudz would be like. i really went all out making the clouds myself and making them animate. i'm ridiculously proud of it <3
version 2: gemstone dreamz

i'm writing this like a year after i made this layout lol but i remember putting my whole pussy up in this layout. i spent so much time making the gemstones and making sure everything looked perfect i kinda felt crazy if i didn't decide to code it and put it up. i left it up for a really long time and i'm happy it was the layout that served as the way dream cloudz looked for a long time. i think it embodied the essense of dream cloudz really well. click on it to get the animated version :)